African Swine Fever Resources - Printables

Although the African swine fever section of our website contains all of the information sent out by the Canadian Pork Council, the PDF documents below might be useful for those that wish to share the information with others, or print documents for future reference.

Message to grocery stores and restaurants - May 2019

ASF: What to look for - April 2019

African swine fever: Overview - April 2019

Pork does not belong in barns! - March 2019

How to clean and disinfect clothing, footwear and other items - February 2019

Do you work in agriculture and plan to travel? - February 2019

ASF for general veterinarians - January 2019

ASF for small scale producers - January 2019

Keeping African Swine Fever Out of Canada - November 2018

ASF: Collaboration is key - December 2018