Annual Reports
2023 Message from the Chair
Dear members and stakeholders,
I am delighted to present the Canadian Pork Council's (CPC) annual
report for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. It is with great pride that I reflect on the accomplishments, challenges and progress made by our industry over the past year, my first year as Chair since my election in January of this year.
In the face of unprecedented global circumstances, our Canadian pork industry has demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability. Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its myriad of challenges, our members, partners and stakeholders have remained steadfast in their commitment to the success of the CPC.
One of the key highlights of this year has been our continued dedication to sustainability and environmental stewardship. The CPC has worked tirelessly to implement sustainable practices and reduce our environmental footprint. Our industry is committed to advancing technologies and practices that minimize waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure long-term sustainability of our operations.
Market access remains a paramount concern for our industry, and the CPC has been at the forefront of advocating for fair and open trade. We are pleased to report progress in securing new markets and expanding existing ones for Canadian pork products. Our efforts to build strong international relationships have not only opened doors for our producers but have also contributed to the global recognition of the high-quality standards that define Canadian pork.
The health and welfare of our animals remain central to our mission. In this regard, we have continued to collaborate with experts in animal care and welfare to ensure that our industry upholds the highest standards in the treatment of our animals. Ethical and responsible animal husbandry practices are at the heart of our operations.
Our organization has finished a strategic planning exercise to set a direction for our actions in the coming years. As we move forward, we acknowledge the unwavering dedication and hard work of our members, producers, staff and partners in this process. Your commitment to excellence gives our organization a robust structure, one capable of balancing our long-term objectives even in the face of our industry’s long-term challenges.
Looking to the future, the CPC remains dedicated to promoting innovation, sustainability and the well-being of our industry. We will continue to advocate for policies that support our producers and ensure a thriving Canadian pork sector.
A note of appreciation, as well, for Rick Bergmann and board members past and present – your contribution to the industry has been exemplary, and on behalf of this year’s board, I want to thank you for your service. Rick Bergmann, in particular, should be noted for the eight years he gave to this industry as chair – thank you, Rick.
Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to our shared vision. I look forward to the exciting opportunities and challenges that the upcoming year will bring.
René Roy