Canadian pork exports to China
Demand for high-quality pork products remains strong in China and Canada remains a reliable and quality supplier of pork.
China is a very important market for Canadian producers. In 2018, Canada’s pork exports were almost $4 billion, of which $514 million was exported to China making it our third-largest export market.
Between January and November 2019, 255,290 tonnes of Canadian pork were shipped to China, worth $507,200,488.
YTD November 2019
YTD November 2018
Change %
Total 2018
255,290 tonnes
255,044 tonnes
283,215 tonnes
11 %
Volume 2019
Volume 2018
Value 2019
Value 2018
- China
- US
- Japan
- US
- China
- Japan
- Japan
- US
- China
- US
- Japan
- China
Canadian pork producers were informed in June 2019 that China will no longer be accepting Canadian pork products due to concerns regarding the validity of an export certificate. As a result, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency has stopped issuing export certificates to China for all pork and beef products as of June 25, 2019.
Canadian pork exports to China resumed on November 5, 2019. Prior to the temporary suspension, the Canadian pork industry was on pace to double its 2018 sales in 2019. Now that that the market has reopened, pork exports to China are expected to keep growing