What are we doing to prevent African swine fever from infecting Canadian pigs?

Stakeholders from the Canadian pork industry are coming together to prevent ASF from affecting the Canadian pig herd.

Collaboration is key!

The Canadian Pork Council is privileged to work with multiple partners to prevent African Swine Fever from infecting the Canadian pig herd:

  • Provincial pork organizations
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • Canadian Border Services
  • Animal Nutrition Association of Canada
  • Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (US)
  • Deans of the faculties of veterinary medicine
  • Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
  • Community for Emerging and Zoonotic Disease
  • Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians
  • National Pork Producers Council (US)
  • Swine Health Information Center (US)

Informing pork producers, small-scale producers and pet owners about the threat of African swine fever

  • Series of informational documents
  • Participation in provincial information sessions 
  • Outreach on social media
  • Section of CPC website dedicated to ASF

Actions to minimize the risks of ASF infecting the hog herd

  • Hazard-specific plan for African swine fever 
  • Risk assessment of imported feed ingredients
  • Testing
  • Sharing outbreak information in other countries 

Outbreak Mitigation Preparedness

  • Exercise on zoning in case of an outbreak 
  • Tabletop exercises 
  • Discussions to address wild pigs in Canada

Collaboration with the veterinary community, in Canada and abroad

  • Information sessions on disease recognition 
  • Raising awareness among veterinarians

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has measures in place and it is actively monitoring the global situation.


  • Import restrictions and border control of products brought in by international travellers are in place to minimize the chances of introducing the virus into Canada.

  • Coordination with the Canadian Border Services Agency for border inspections.

  • Continuous risk assessment of countries from which Canada imports.

  • Working with the EU to monitor the situation in affected countries and update import controls as needed.

  • Work is underway to establish harmonized diagnostic testing for ASF with the US and Mexico.

  • CFIA is encouraging enhanced biosecurity measures including recommendations for travellers.

  • Discussing with the provincial Chief Veterinary Officers and CFIA’s American counterparts.


Please click here to access the audio recording of the town hall meeting addressing African swine fever held September 19, 2018. For more information about the town hall and what was discussed, please click here.


There is no effective vaccine or treatment for ASF. The best strategy against ASF is preventing the entry of the virus into Canada.

  • When visiting other countries, do not bring back any meat products into Canada (this is illegal, except for cooked canned products).  Wash all clothing and footwear immediately after use in other countries. Do not feed swine any human food waste.

  • Routinely evaluate biosecurity protocols with farm staff and visitors:  Ensure that temporary foreign workers, farm staff and visitors have not had contact with swine in other countries where ASF infections have been detected.

If you suspect your herd is sick:

  • Contact your herd veterinarian immediately if you see any clinical signs in pigs on your farm that could be associated with ASF infection.

  • Stop all pig movements. Never move, sell or send to livestock auctions/yards sick or compromised pigs from your farm. This will prevent further spread of infections.

  • Implement a self-quarantine on all animals, feed and equipment until you know the cause of the illness.

People who visit farms should familiarize themselves with farm biosecurity by clicking here.