Dr. Brockhoff named Food Animal Veterinarian of the Year
Press release
For immediate release
July 15, 2020—OTTAWA In recognition for his veterinary career, Dr. Egan Brockhoff was presented with the Merck Veterinary Award by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association.
As a veterinarian he has contributed significantly to the advancement of food animal medicine and surgery, including herd health management. Dr. Brockhoff has brought his skills and knowledge to the Canadian pork sector and contributed greatly to its global success.
He plays an instrumental role in the ongoing development of the Canadian Pork Council’s (CPC) on-farm food safety and animal care quality assurance programs. He provides both scientific and practical advice related to codes of practice, research priorities, the CPC’s drug use policy and its national biosecurity standard.
Dr. Brockhoff’s expertise has been critical in the identification of measures designed to prevent and, if necessary, respond to an outbreak of African swine fever. His work in this space includes contributing to the creation and implementation of the industry government pan-Canadian ASF strategy. He has also made a substantive contribution at the international level working closely with colleagues around the world and with individual producers in Asian countries, where his expertise is highly valued.
He has also fostered a closer working relationship between the Canadian Pork Council and the veterinary community. The Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network, a partnership between the Canadian Pork Council and the Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians, is one example. This initiative ensures the veterinary community and pork producers are working closely to improve Canada’s swine health surveillance program.
“The Canadian pork sector would quickly notice Egan’s absence were he not so willing to help,” said John Ross, CPC’s executive director. “His contribution makes a great difference, and the pork sector is thankful for the role he plays in keeping the pigs safe and healthy.”.
The Canadian Pork Council is the national voice for hog producers in Canada. A federation of nine provincial pork industry associations representing 7,000 farms, the organization plays a leadership role in achieving and maintaining a dynamic and prosperous Canadian pork sector.
Media Contact:
Gary Stordy, Canadian Pork Council
613 236-9239 ext. 277 stordy@cpc-ccp.com
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